
This is an advanced approach to manage resource ACLs, refer to Projects for generic use-cases.

Access control on the Apolo platform is based on roles. Each role contains a set of permissions for various entities and actions. In this way, users with different roles will have different levels of access on the platform. By default, every cluster has three roles: User, Manager, and Admin (you can learn more about them here). Users can also create their own custom roles and grant them to other users.

Creating new roles

To create a new role, use the apolo acl add-role {username}/roles/{rolename} command. For example:

> apolo acl add-role alice/roles/newrole

The created role will be called newrole and have an empty permission set. You can then add resources to this set using the apolo acl grant {URI} {username}/roles/{rolename} command. For example:

> apolo acl grant job:job363 alice/roles/newrole

This will add a permission for the job363 job to the newrole role.

Using roles

Granting roles

You can grant roles to users by running the apolo acl grant role://{username}/roles/{rolename} {username2} command:

> apolo acl grant role://alice/roles/newrole bob

This will grant the newrole role to Bob. This means that Bob will have access to all entities available to this role. Roles effectively expand permissions of users that have access to them.

Revoking roles

Roles can be revoked from users with the help of the apolo acl revoke command. For example:

> apolo acl revoke role://alice/roles/newrole bob

Deleting roles

Obsolete roles can be deleted using the apolo acl remove-role command. For example:

> apolo acl remove-role alice/roles/newrole

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