
Secrets provide a way to store confidential data on Apolo, be it passwords, access keys, tokens, etc. You can use secrets in jobs to securely access some external services. Apolo secrets are based Kubernetes secrets. You can manage secrets both through Apolo CLI and the Apolo Console.

Creating secrets

Creating secrets through the CLI

To create a secret from the Apolo CLI, use the apolo secret add command:

> apolo secret add secret-password p@$$w0rd123

This will create a secret with a key secret-password and a value of p@$$w0rd123.

You can also point to an existing file with the required value when creating a secret by using the @ notation:

> apolo secret add secret-password @path/to/secret/file.txt

Creating secrets through the Apolo Console

To create a secret from the Apolo Apolo Console:

  • Log in to Apolo console

  • Go to the Secrets tab:

  • Click Add:

  • Enter the secret's name, value, and click Save:

The new secret will be added to the list of your secrets:

Using secrets

There are two ways to use secrets in jobs - as a file and as an environment variable. Let's look how to do this in the CLI and in the Apolo Console.

Using secrets through the CLI

To use a secret as a file in your job, provide its location in a --volume parameter when running a job. For example:

--volume secret:secret-password:/var/secrets/secret-password.txt"

To use a secret as an environment variable, declare it through the --env parameter when running a job:

--env mypass=secret:secret-password

Now, depending on which method you chose, you can access the secret from within your job by either referring to its location /var/secrets/secret-password.txt or reading the value of the mypass environment variable.

Using secrets through the Apolo Console

To use a secret through the Apolo Console:

  • Log in to platform console

  • On your dashboard, click RUN A JOB on a widget you want to work with. We'll use Terminal in this example:

  • In the newly-opened window, click ADD NEW SECRET:

  • Select the type of secret you want to use and the secret's key from the drop-down list. Then, depending on the type of secret you selected, enter the name of the environment variable or the path to the secret's file:

  • When ready, click RUN. You will be able to use the secret within a job run in this way.

Sharing secrets

You can share secrets through the CLI by using the apolo acl grant command. The syntax is apolo acl grant secret:<key> <username> <access-level>. For example:

> apolo acl grant secret:secret-password bob read

This will give Bob the access to use the secret-password secret in their jobs.

You can also use the apolo share command as an alias for apolo acl grant:

> apolo share secret:secret-password bob

Keep in mind that, at this point in time, secret sharing is implemented in such a way that Bob won't be able to see this secret in their list of secrets when running apolo secret ls. To check if they have access rights to use this secret, Bob will need to run apolo acl list and search the output for the corresponding secret's URI. For example, if the secret was created by Alice, the URI will look like this:


Deleting secrets

Deleting secrets through the CLI

To delete a secret, run the apolo secret rm command:

> apolo secret rm secret-password

To check that the secret was removed, run the apolo secret ls command to list all your current secrets:

> apolo secret ls


Deleting secrets through the Apolo Console

  • Go to the Secrets tab.

  • Click the trash bin icon to the right of the secret you want to delete:

  • Click the check mark icon to confirm the changes:

Last updated