On-premise Installation Guide
Kubernetes cluster:
It must be able to use OpenEBS Cstor. Disks have to be attached to Kubernetes nodes and must not be mounted or formatted.
If there is no internet access, each node should have a busybox:latest image preloaded.
A linux VM:
Must be accessible by the Kubernetes cluster (this VM will host the docker registry along with the chartmuseum and devpi services, which are needed to run the platform).
Must have access to the Kubernetes cluster.
The following utilities have to be installed: docker, kubectl, jq.
Archive Structure
A directory with all required helm charts. It will be mounted as a volume to the chartmuseum container.
A directory with all required docker images. It will be mounted as a volume to the registry container.
A directory with the apolo-cli python package and all its dependencies. It will be mounted as a volume to the devpi container.
Saved registry:2 image.
Saved chartmuseum/chartmuseum:latest image.
Saved devpi image.
Saved imega/jq:latest image, command-line JSON processor.
Saved mikefarah/yq:latest image, command-line YAML processor.
Kubernetes resources that will be created in the cluster.
Installation scripts.
Platform Setup
Connect to the Linux VM and ensure that kubectl can connect to the Kubernetes cluster:
Mount the USB (or external storage) device and extract the apolo.tar archive:
Prepare the config file (see example below), run the installation script, and wait until all pods are in the Running state:
By default, if there is no Ingress certificate specified in the config file, the installation script will generate a self-signed certificate. This self-signed certificate has to be added to the certificate trust store in the platform user's development environment.
Configure the DNS Server
Set up A records to the platform domains *.neu.ro, default.org.neu.ro, *.default.org.neu.ro, *.jobs.default.org.neu.ro in such a way that they point to all Kubernetes cluster IPv4 addresses.
Config File Example
Development Environment Setup
Add the certificate to the trust store (in case a self-signed certificate was generated during setup)
Download the Ingress certificate:
Add it to your machine's trust store.
Install Apolo CLI
Run the following command to install Apolo CLI:
Last updated
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